Area Institutions
Publications: 55
Arruñada, Benito (2006), “Registries in Chile: Deficit and Reform Strategies”, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, abril-mayo.Arruñada, Benito, and Lucas López-Manuel (2024), “The Medieval Church and the Foundations of Impersonal Exchange”, Pompeu Fabra University Economics and Business Working Paper Series, 1885.Arruñada, Benito (2022), “State Universities and Accountability”, FEDEA, Apuntes de Economía, 2022-23, September.Arruñada, Benito, con comentarios de Gabriel Doménech Pascual, Román Gil Alburquerque e Ignacio Gomá Lanzón (2021), “La seguridad jurídica en España”, FEDEA, Estudios sobre la economía española, núm. 2021-18, Madrid.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “The Impact of Experience on How We Perceive the Rule of Law,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 16(3), 251–69.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “The Institutions of Roman Markets,” in Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci (ed.), Roman Law and Economics, vol. 2, Ch. 19, Oxford Studies in Roman Society and Law (Thomas A. J. McGinn and Paul du Plessis, eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 247–98.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “Bad Law,” Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía, 915, 9-28.Arruñada, Benito, y Matthias Krapf (2019), “Religion and the European Union,” in Sriya Iyer, Jared Rubin and Jean-Paul Carvalho (eds.), Advances in the Economics of Religion, pp. 295-308, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.Arruñada, Benito, Giorgio Zanarone, and Nuno M. Garoupa (2019), “Property Rights in Sequential Exchange,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 35(1), 127-53.Arruñada, Benito (2018), “Blockchain’s Struggle to Deliver Impersonal Exchange,” Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 19, 55-105.Arruñada, Benito (2017), “Institutional Development of the Cross-Border Real Estate Market in the EU”, in Christoph Schmid and Benito Arruñada, Las transacciones transfronterizas inmobiliarias en Europa, Fundación Coloquio Jurídico Europeo, Madrid, 59–130.Arruñada, Benito (2017), “How to Make Land Titling More Rational,”Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal6(1), 73-112.Arruñada, Benito (2017), “How Should We Model Property? Thinking with My Critics,”Journal of Institutional Economics,13(4), 815-27.Arruñada, Benito (2017), “Property as Sequential Exchange: The Forgotten Limits of Private Contract,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 13(4), 753-83.Arruñada, Benito, and Marco Casari (2016), “Fragile Markets: An Experiment on Judicial Independence,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,129,142-56.Arruñada, Benito (2016), “Coase and the Departure from Property,” in Claude Ménard and Elodie Bertrand (eds.),The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase, Edward Elgar Publisher, Cheltenham UK, 305-19.Arruñada, Benito (2016), “How Rome Enabled Impersonal Markets,” Explorations in Economic History, 61, 68-84.Arruñada, Benito (2014), “The Law of Impersonal Transactions,” in Eric Brousseauand Jean-Michel Glachant, eds., The Manufacturing of Markets:Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 58-77.Arruñada, Benito, and Xosé H. Vázquez (2013), “The Darwinian Foundation of Institutions,” in G. Caballero and X.C. Arias, eds., Nuevo institucionalismo: Gobernanza, economía y políticas públicas, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid, 41-59.Arruñada, Benito (2013), Empresa, mercado e instituciones, Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor.Arruñada, Benito (2013), “The Institutions of Impersonal Exchange”(“Las instituciones del intercambio impersonal”),Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario,89(726), 649-87.Arruñada, Benito (2012), Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange: The Theory and Policy of Contractual Registries, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Arruñada, Benito (2012), “Property as an Economic Concept: Reconciling Legal and Economic Conceptions of Property Rights in a Coasean Framework,” International Review of Economics,59(2), 121-44.Arruñada, Benito (2012), "The Reform of Mortgage Liability," Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, no. 731, 1259-89.Arruñada, Benito (2011), "Limiting Mortgage Liability Would Be an Error", La Vanguardia, March 20, Dinero, 13.Arruñada, Benito (2011), "Organizational Foundations of the Land Registry," Registradores de España, 58, January-February, 84-86.Arruñada, Benito (2011), "Compulsory No-recourse in Mortgage Lending: A Bad Idea," Expansión, February 23, 46.Arruñada, Benito (2011), “Property Titling and Conveyancing,” in Kenneth Ayotte and Henry E. Smith, eds., Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, Research Handbooks in Law and Economics Series (Series editors: Richard Posner and Francesco Parisi), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 237-56.Arruñada, Benito (2010), Business Formalization: Costs versus Institutional Efficiency, Thomson Reuters, Cizur Menor.Arruñada, Benito (2010), "The Incentives of the Iberian Protectorate," Expansión, June 7, 55.Arruñada, Benito (2010), “A Virtual Reform of the Business Environment,” in M. Bagüés, J. Fernández-Villaverde y L. Garicano (eds.), La Ley de Economía Sostenible y las reformas estructurales: 25 propuestas, FEDEA, Madrid, pp. 42-47.Arruñada, Benito (2010), “Retiring before We Work”, Expansión, February 22, p. 46.Arruñada, Benito (2010), “Institutional Support of the Firm: A Theory of Business Registries,” Journal of Legal Analysis, 2, 2, 525-76.Arruñada, Benito (2008), “How Doing Business Jeopardises Institutional Reform,” European Business Organization Law Review, 10(4), 555-74.Arruñada, Benito (2010), “Crisis de responsabilidad en una democracia adolescente”,Procesos de Mercado, 7(1), 259-74.Arruñada, Benito (2009), "Reforming Responsibility in Spain: Heavy Lifting Ahead," IESE Insight, 3, 36-43.Arruñada, Benito (2009), “Specialization and Rent-Seeking in Moral Enforcement: The Case of Confession,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(3), 443-61.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2008), “Common Law and Civil Law as Pro-Market Adaptations,” Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 26, 81-130.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2008), “Judges’ Cognition and Market Order,” Review of Law and Economics, 4(2), 665-92.Arruñada, Benito, Luis Vázquez, and Giorgio Zanarone (2009), “Institutional Constraints on Organizations: The Case of Spanish Car Dealerships,” Managerial and Decision Economics, 30(1), 15-26.Arruñada, Benito (2008), "Human Nature and Institutions," in Eric Brousseauand Jean-Michel Glachant, eds., New Institutional Economics: A Guidebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 81-99.Arruñada, Benito (2007), “Manufacturing Property,” in Españoles ante el Registro, Colegio de Registradores, Madrid, 57-65.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2005), “Market Institutions and Judicial Rulemaking,” in Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Dordrecht, Springer, 229-250.Arruñada, Benito, and Nuno Garoupa (2005), “The Choice of Titling System in Land,” Journal of Law and Economics, 48(2), 709-27.Arruñada, Benito (2002), “Institutional Basis of Business Strategy,” in P. Morcillo and J. Fernández Aguado (eds.), Nuevas claves para la dirección estratégica, Ariel, Barcelona, 39-59.Arruñada, Benito (2022), “Comment to the new regulations of housing rentals”, Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 3, 129-145.Arruñada, Benito (2007), “Pitfalls to Avoid when Measuring the Institutional Environment: Is ‘Doing Business’ Damaging Business?,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(4), 729-47.Arruñada, Benito (2004), Contracting Property Rights: An Economic Analysis, Cuadernos de Derecho Registral, Madrid.Arruñada, Benito, and Xosé H. Vázquez (2004), “Do Spanish Firms Have the Worst Institutional Environment of the OCDE?,” Universia Business Review, 3, 102-113.Arruñada, Benito (2004), “Review of Pattern and Repertoire in History by Bertrand M. Roehner and Tony Syme,” Journal of Economic Literature, 42(1), 211-12.Arruñada, Benito (2003), “Property Enforcement as Organized Consent,” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 19(2), 401-44.Arruñada, Benito (2002), “A Critical Analysis of the Institutional Environment of the Firm,” Revista del Instituto de Estudios Económicos, 4, 107-132.Arruñada, Benito (2001), “The Role of Institutions in the Contractual Process,” in B. Deffains and T. Kirat, eds., Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries, The Economics of Legal Relationships Series, JAI Press, Stamford, CT, 177-196.Arruñada, Benito (1999), “Institutional Constraints on the Development of the Firm,” Papeles de Economía Española, 78-79, 17-32.Arruñada, Benito (1991), “Nobel to the Coasian Turn,” Revista de Economía, 11, 122-26.