Topic Judiciary
Publications: 14
Arruñada, Benito (2006), “Registries in Chile: Deficit and Reform Strategies”, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, abril-mayo.Arruñada, Benito (2021), “The Crisis of Mortgage Law”, in A.B. Veiga Copo (ed.) and M. Martínez Muñoz (coord.), Derecho de Garantías, Cívitas Thompson Reuters, Cizur Menor, en prensa.Arruñada, Benito, con comentarios de Gabriel Doménech Pascual, Román Gil Alburquerque e Ignacio Gomá Lanzón (2021), “La seguridad jurídica en España”, FEDEA, Estudios sobre la economía española, núm. 2021-18, Madrid.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “The Impact of Experience on How We Perceive the Rule of Law,” Journal of Institutional Economics, 16(3), 251–69.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “Bad Bakruptcy Law (Malas leyes: Aplicación al Derecho concursal)”, in A.B. Veiga Copo (ed.) and M. Martínez Muñoz (coord.), El acreedor en el derecho concursal y preconcursal a la luz del Texto refundido de la Ley Concursal, Cívitas Thompson Reuters, Cizur Menor, 53-103Arruñada, Benito, and Pablo Casas-Arce (2018), “Mortgage Loans and Interest Rate Floors and Ceilings,” in Juan José Ganuza and Fernando Gómez-Pomar (cood.), Presente y futuro del mercado hipotecario español: un análisis económico y jurídico, Thompson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 285-314.Arruñada, Benito, and Marco Casari (2016), “Fragile Markets: An Experiment on Judicial Independence,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,129,142-56.Arruñada, Benito (2012), “Property as an Economic Concept: Reconciling Legal and Economic Conceptions of Property Rights in a Coasean Framework,” International Review of Economics,59(2), 121-44.Arruñada, Benito (2012), "The Reform of Mortgage Liability," Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, no. 731, 1259-89.Arruñada, Benito (2009), “Specialization and Rent-Seeking in Moral Enforcement: The Case of Confession,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(3), 443-61.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2008), “Common Law and Civil Law as Pro-Market Adaptations,” Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 26, 81-130.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2008), “Judges’ Cognition and Market Order,” Review of Law and Economics, 4(2), 665-92.Arruñada, Benito, and Veneta Andonova (2005), “Market Institutions and Judicial Rulemaking,” in Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Dordrecht, Springer, 229-250.Arruñada, Benito (2001), “The Role of Institutions in the Contractual Process,” in B. Deffains and T. Kirat, eds., Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries, The Economics of Legal Relationships Series, JAI Press, Stamford, CT, 177-196.