The more odious the messenger, the easier it is to ignore him. Europe must respond to Trump’s message with more action and less hand-wringing
Avoiding the costs of the energy transition makes it more expensive and jeopardizes it
It doesn’t even know when, how or who is going to tell it
Europe should learn from Biden to correct course, but it persists in its mistakes, which doom it to populism
European leaders do not fail. Faced with every opportunity to make amends, they only know how to relapse
Consumer regulation should abandon simplistic views and understand how markets function
Western intellectualism is no longer hegemonic, yet it struggles to adapt to a plural environment without barriers to entry
The imminent European regulation on social media will only make things worse
Our civilization forgets that it freed individuals, giving them feelings of guilt, to reduce the paralyzing oppression of shame
Video interview for FacultiNet on the reform of bankruptcy
The World Bank is discontinuing the Doing Business indicators because of irregularities in the application of its methodology. However, it is the flaws in that methodology and its sports-league marketing that have caused most damage, distorting policy priorities and favoring cosmetic reforms.
Opinion polls reflect that dominant social values in Spanish society favor, in comparison with our European neighbors, the State playing a…
Remarks at the Panel from the “New Enlightenment Conference: Reshaping Capitalism and the Global Order in a Neo-Mercantilist World,” Session…
Those who get in touch with rule-of-law institutions perceive that they work worse. Optimism on the functioning of institutions seems to be…
In “Religion and the European Union,” we point out that the recent literature on cultural differences across euro member states fails to…
From Coase (1960) to Akerlof (1970), Williamson (1979), and Grossman and Hart (1986), economic models assume that transactors are well…
In this edition of CIBER Focus, Benito will talk to us the business formalization process, measures of business success, and government…
Efforts to plan economic development tend to apply uniform and supposedly optimal solutions, increasingly expressed in terms of targets…
In this new Working Paper with Luis Garicano, we argue that, by allowing networks to split, decentralized blockchain platforms protect…
By Benito Arruñada and Albert Satorra. Adapted translation of “Separatismos divergentes,” El País, May 17, 2018, p. 14. The outcome of the…
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