Topic Institutions
Publications: 8
Arruñada, Benito (2023), “The Abuse of Science in Politics”, Letras Libres, issue 297, 36-40.Arruñada, Benito (2025), “Markets for Public Services: Less Is More”, in in Liber Amicorum for Prof. M. Faure, 245–55.Arruñada, Benito, and Lucas López-Manuel (2024), “The Medieval Church and the Foundations of Impersonal Exchange”, Pompeu Fabra University Economics and Business Working Paper Series, 1885.Arruñada, Benito (2006), “Registries in Chile: Deficit and Reform Strategies”, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, abril-mayo.Arruñada, Benito (2024), “The Roman Familia: A View from the Economics of Property”, in C. Sánchez-Moreno Ellart (ed.), The Dowry and the Property Status of Married Women in the Greco-Roman World, Pharos, Rahden, Westfalen.Arruñada, Benito (2023), “The Organization of Public Registries: A Comparative Analysis”, in Ernst Nordtveit (ed.), The Changing Role of Property Law: Rights, Values and Concepts, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 199-220.Arruñada, Benito (2021), “The Crisis of Property”, in La propiedad privada en España, Instituto de Estudios Económicos, Colección Informes, Madrid, March, 54–74.Arruñada, Benito (2020), “Bad Bakruptcy Law (Malas leyes: Aplicación al Derecho concursal)”, in A.B. Veiga Copo (ed.) and M. Martínez Muñoz (coord.), El acreedor en el derecho concursal y preconcursal a la luz del Texto refundido de la Ley Concursal, Cívitas Thompson Reuters, Cizur Menor, 53-103